The Overdose Response Strategy (ORS) is a unique and groundbreaking collaboration between public health and public safety. It aims to minimize drug overdose cases and save lives in local communities by sharing timely data, pertinent intelligence, and evidence-based and innovative strategies.
We assist communities and individuals in making healthier, safer choices through the knowledge offered and programs inspired by the ORS. As of July 2021, there are ORS Public Health Analyst (PHA) and Drug Intelligence Officer (DIO) positions in 50 states, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
The mission of the ORS is to help communities reduce fatal and nonfatal drug overdoses by connecting public health and public safety agencies, sharing information, and supporting evidence-based interventions.
The Overdose Detection Mapping Application Program (ODMAP) is an application that provides near real-time suspected overdose monitoring data to support public safety and public health efforts in reducing drug overdose cases across jurisdictions. For more information, click here.
Drug Intelligence Officers and Public Health Analysts work together on drug overdose issues within and across sectors, states, and territories to implement the ORS. By sharing information across sectors, the ORS expands the body of evidence related to early warning indicators and prevention strategies.
For inquiries into the Overdose Response Strategy, contact our Drug Intelligence Officer and Public Health Analyst at
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